Phone Number: 1-888-983-9848 | 1-303-228-9475
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Helping people deal with their illnesses

Medical social work mainly focuses on helping people deal with their illnesses and help their families cope with the challenges that come with it. Our professionals at ATN Healthcare work together with your family and loved ones to educate you about treatment plans, as well as provide alternative solutions. We also conduct psychosocial assessments to help us identify any mental or emotional distress when your family is experiencing certain challenges. We connect with family members and provide the necessary resources to support their current situation.

Patients who have confirmed diagnoses of serious illnesses are qualified for case management services. Our professionals at ATN Healthcare assess, plan, implant, monitor, and evaluate the different options and services that are required to meet each patient’s unique needs. This process helps us understand the patient’s situation so we can properly coordinate with their primary healthcare providers and help the patients undergo the best care treatments suited for their particular conditions.

Our medical social workers can:

  • Provide group work services
  • Provide community services
  • Educate patients
  • Assist disadvantaged patients
  • Supports your health team
  • Evaluate patients

Contact us now.